Created by: Sinji Ono
Número de Blosarios: 4
The Nakagin Capsule Tower is a mixed-use residential and office tower designed by architect Kisho Kurokawa and located in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Completed in 1972, the building is a rare remaining ...
Keramiske Land er en av de mest kjente feil av japanske temaparker. Det er svært lik Louvre fra Paris, selv om mange mennesker hevder at stedet var bisarre og rare lenge før de blir en haikyo; en ...
Keramika půda je jedním z nejznámějších selhání japonské zábavních parků. Je to velmi podobné Louvre z Paříže, ačkoli mnoho lidí tvrdí, že místo bylo bizarní a podivné dlouho, než se stal haikyo; ...
陶瓷土地是日本主題公園的最知名的失敗之一。它是非常類似于羅浮宮從巴黎,雖然很多人聲稱的地方成為 haikyo ; 之前很久是怪異的怪異一片廢墟。這座主題公園建有很大的希望,但它並不是和預期一樣受歡迎。獎勵,都總是修剪草坪和花園裡很整潔,即使沒人訪問該地區。 ...
Ceramic Land is one of the most well-known failures of Japanese theme parks. It is very similar to Louvre from Paris, though many people claim that the place was bizarre and weird long before ...
The Nakagin Capsule Tower is a mixed-use residential and office tower designed by architect Kisho Kurokawa and located in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Completed in 1972, the building is a rare remaining ...